In my theoretical modeling of this coupled, duplex system, a specific human intention is postulated to originate at the level of spirit and imprints a unique pattern at the level of mind. This mind imprint is thought to radiate a specific consciousness/energy field that does two things:
(1) It imprints a correlated pattern on the magnetic information wave domain and
(2) it activates the “coupler” substance from the domain of emotion. This, in turn, transfers the primary intention specifics (although in a different code) via a magnetoelectric consciousness/energy pattern (Qi) to our normal electric atom/molecule body. The rest is all about specific electromagnetic processes operating in the coarse physical body.
What role does intention have for humanity?
We have discovered a procedure, via the use of conscious intention imbedded into an intention-host device, for generating a coupling medium between the two uniquely different kinds of substance so as to significantly change the properties of the combined material. We label such composite material the partially coupled state of physical reality. In addition we have discovered that, in the human body, the acupuncture meridian/chakra system is already at the coupled state of physical reality while the rest of the body is at the uncoupled state. Thus, human intention is capable of altering the output performance, to some degree, of their own acupuncture meridian/chakra system and this, in turn, is capable of significantly altering the energetic performance of the electric atom/molecule cells in our composite body. This is the working territory of psychoenergetic science and CAM.
AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT IN TODAY'S WORLD? Psychoenergetic science (P.S.) is an expansion of today’s orthodox science (and thus medicine) to include human consciousness, intention, emotion, mind and spirit as significant experimental variables in the study of living systems and general nature. Our present orthodox reference frame (RF) for studying nature since the days of Galileo has been a distance-time-only RF. In this regard, today’s orthodox science and medicine can deal only with natural phenomena that are distance-time dependent. However, all of these wonderful human phenomena mentioned above are not, or do not appear to be, distance-time dependent!
For the study of living systems that manifest consciousness and higher levels of consciousness like humans, a new RF must be designed and utilized because the distance-time RF is capable of dealing only with the “inanimate meat” part of the human body. Thus, P.S. has formulated a duplex RF consisting of two, reciprocal, four-dimensional subspaces, one of which is distance-time. The latter is labeled D-space while its reciprocal is labeled R-space. The degree of coupling or connectivity between these two domains of physical reality depends upon still higher dimensional aspects of nature. The prime coupler substance has been labeled “deltrons” hypothesized to come from the domain of emotion. Thus, physical reality is thought to require a duplex RF.
We find that, the more one looks within self, harmonizes with our inner nature and increases our ability to become more inner-self managed, the more we can strengthen our intuition and our ability to mentally/emotionally influence the space around us and the properties of materials in that space both inside and outside of our bodies. Potentially, all of us can do it via personal effort and, at this point in time we need to make such efforts. It is a time of great change. Meditation, yoga, qigong, etc are very useful practices for one to pursue to enhance one’s growth along the self-directed Mythos pathway towards becoming an adept, a master and ultimately an avatar. The evolution of psychoenergetic science will help guide all of us down that path of becoming much, much more than we think we are capable of becoming!
A metaphysical picture of the whole person, is given in Figure 1. Ultimately, this is what present and future medicine must deal with in its attempt to serve the health needs of the whole person.
Figure 1
The whole person, biobodysuit metaphor. Each layer has unique substance and infrastructure. The outer 2 layers constitute temporal physical reality. The middle shell is non-temporal and could be called the soul. The layer infrastructures and the coupling between layers largely determine the state of wellness of the whole person.
Think of this construct as a type of biobodysuit that the spirit-self wears in order to experience the many phenomena of spacetime. Each layer of this vehicle has unique substance and infrastructure. The outermost shell, comprised of (1) the coarse, electric monopole-generated, particulate substance and (2) the fine, magnetic monopole-generated, information wave substance hosts our personality self and constitutes what is an expanded view of physical reality with its bi-conformal base space reference frame. These are the layers that we grow during human embryo development and shuck off after the physical death process occurs. This two-layer shell is coupled to the middle shell of Figure 1, which is the higher dimensional vehicle of the soul self that houses a portion of our spirit (Tiller WA, Dibble WE Jr. Towards General Experimentation and Discovery in “Conditioned” Laboratory Spaces, Part III: A Theoretical Interpretation of Non-Local Information Entanglement. www.tiller.org, 2003). The more infrastructure development occurring in these layers during successive re-embodiment experiences in the physical, the more can one’s high spirit self (or God self) enter the soul body and thereby the more conscious does the entire biobodysuit become. This high spirit self is an essential part of that spectrum we refer to as God (Tiller, 2003; Green, 2001). One might think of our individuated God self as one note in the grand symphony that we call God.
During an individual personality self lifetime, experiential information is created and then modulates the carrier wave of the personality self. At the death of this self, relevant lifetime-gained information transfers to the carrier wave of the soul self. After many many re-embodiment experiences of a particular soul self, the information enrichment becomes such that the spacetime classroom has nothing more to teach the soul and it “graduates”, so to speak. At graduation, all the essential information modulating the carrier wave of the soul self is transferred to the carrier wave of the God self and this soul is absorbed into this larger construct (Green, 2001).
In the past, we have converted UEDs to IHDs via the use of two, three, four or six well-qualified meditators. In this process to follow, we always considered the imprinting as a sacred process and that higher intelligences in the “unseen” universe did most of the real work. In this way, our imprint statement could be considered as something like a prayer. Initially, we used four people (two men plus two women) who were all accomplished meditators (decades of regular meditative practice) who were coherent and highly inner self-managed.
The process began by placing the UED and its power converter (plugged into a 60 cycle wall outlet and to each other with the UED switched on) on a table-top around which the meditators sat quietly. They first entered a quiet communion with each other and then expanded that to include the “unseen”. When this communion felt good, a signal was given to mentally cleanse the local environment and any prior imprints or entanglements associated with the two objects on the tabletop. Then, attention was given (for ~ 4-5 minutes) to creating the table-top objects as a “sacred” space wherein the specific intention was to be imbedded. Then, a signal was given, by one of us, to focus on the specific intention statement read aloud by that individual.
For example, for our water pH-studies, it was:
“Our intention for this IIED is (1) to activate the indwelling consciousness of the experimental space where it is to serve, (2) to activate this indwelling consciousness sufficiently to lift the electromagnetic (EM) gauge symmetry state of that experimental space from our normal, uncoupled state (the Ue(1) gauge state) to the coupled state (the SU(2) EM gauge state) of physical reality and (3) to tune that state so that the pH of the experimental water in equilibrium with air will increase (or decrease) by one full pH unit compared to the control i.e., that the H+ content of this water decreases (increases) by a factor of 10”.
This intention statement is held in the mind and visualized with a strong emotional content by the four “sitters” for about 15 minutes and then abruptly released when the verbal statement “So be it! – Thy will be done!” is given.
Next, a final signal is given to shift focus to a secondary intention statement designed to seal the imprint charged into the device to minimize leakage. This is held by all for about 5 minutes and then abruptly released with the statement “So be it! – Thy will be done!”
An example of a sealing imprint statement is the following:
“Our subsidiary intention is that the prime directive imprint charge should remain with the IIED without any unnecessary leakage into the environment during either storage of activated device use. May they be sealed and protected against all outside interference through all time, all space, all planetary systems and all dimensions”
More information about imprinting UEDs can be found in White Paper II.
**Please read this disclaimer before purchasing and imprinting a device:
**UED/IHD Research disclaimer:
The William A Tiller Institute for Psychoenergetic Science, Inc. makes no claim or guarantee that this product will provide results of any kind. Any user of this device (each, a "User") takes full responsibility for the outcome of such use. User agrees to use this device ethically at all times and for purposes of personal entertainment, experimentation, or research only. This device is meant for general use only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
WARNING: There may be possible negative consequences if this device is not used as directed. Users must exercise caution and connect to only positive forces. This device is only to be used for the benefit of humanity. As such, each User agrees to use the device only working with positive energies and only for positive purposes.
CAUTION: Lower astral entities and lower frequencies can become involved if the ignorance, level of consciousness, or general energetic state of the person performing the intention statement construction and imprinting is not operating at optimum spiritual levels. Therefore, imprinting is most effective when performed by experienced spiritual practitioners. This process can be accomplished by novices following the enclosed instructions, however, the imprinter’s own state of consciousness plays a critical role in the success of the use of this device.
My long term goal since 1970 has been to help build a reliable bridge of understanding for humans that seamlessly joins the foundations of orthodox science on one end, extends through the domain of the psyche, emotion and mind and is firmly planted in the bedrock of spirit at the other end. And further, that this bridge be made strong enough and reliable enough that, eventually, both normal folks and orthodox scientists would joyfully walk across it.
For this non-orthodox path of activity, I divided the newly created block of time into three equal parts: (1) continued experiential development of self, (2) continued theoretical exploration of the nature of nature and (3) the design and conduct of experiments to push the envelope of our understanding and thus keep the theory honest. In this regard, I have been tilling the soil and planting seeds for over four decades. During that time-period, I have published over 150 scientific papers, forwards to other people’s books, 4 books of my own, 2 DVDs and 13 free “White papers” in the non-orthodox science area. The mass of this work, plus that from others, has shown unequivocally to anyone with an honest eye that psychic phenomena are very real in nature and that such phenomena involved a new category of energies (subtle energies) beyond the four fundamental forces of today’s orthodox science.
Inner work, usually involving the practice of meditation, altered states of consciousness and other inner self-management techniques, leads to other ways of “knowing” than our standard education and logos paths. Building such infrastructure into the larger self usually requires decades to lifetimes of patient practice. Scientists who would follow both the logos and the mythos paths will find that a significant activation barrier exists between practicing the former to practicing the latter. Those who just practice the former have a strong tendency and hubris to think that simple extensions of the logos path of the prevailing paradigm can answer and explain any phenomenon observed in our spacetime world. To illustrate that this is not so, consider statements by Paul Werbos, Ph.D., a world-class quantum mechanics practitioner and director of the engineering sector for the U.S. National Science Foundation(1):
⦁ All forms of quantum mechanics, Copenhagen, Bohmian, Schwinger and Werbos types yield the same type of predictions and none of them can explain “Remote Viewing” and
⦁ The world has spent billions of dollars to use quantum electrodynamics in the military to see things far away (Remote Viewing) and has absolutely failed to do so. An entirely different science approach will be needed if we wish to do so(1).
Perhaps a more personal example will be illuminating for the reader. My wife, Jean, and I were introduced to the works of Edgar Cayce in the mid to late 1950’s and began daily meditations together, via the Cayce method, in 1964. This was followed by weekly Cayce study-group activities in our home in Menlo Park, California from 1965 to 1969. At these meetings, a very heterogeneous group of 11-13 people meaningfully discussed two books that Cayce had written in the early 1930’s “Search for God, books I and II and we meditated together. This meditation procedure involved a 10 minute segment of sharply focused attention on particular affirmations followed by a 10 minute segment of relaxed attunement to that affirmation where the mind was allowed freedom to explore the content. With continued practice, Jean and I expanded our meditation period to one hour per day and I learned how to rapidly switch back and forth from the sharply focused state to the softly attuned state. I found this to be greatly beneficial in (1) my 1965 and onward role as chairman of Stanford’s Department of Materials Science and (2) my industrial consulting practice.
At the end of the 1960’s, I received a Guggenheim Fellowship for a year’s sabbatical leave to Oxford University and, just before we left for England, I purchased a copy of the book “Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain(1) for casual reading. I knew a considerable amount about psychics and psychic phenomena by that time but I was very impressed with both the breadth and scope of the Russian work and, while flying to England, my mind kept returning again and again to the question “how might the universe be constructed so that this “crazy-seeming” kind of stuff could naturally co-exist with the traditional science I was conducting every day with my Stanford graduate students?”
Although in Oxford I started to write the book in my traditional materials science area that I had planned to write, the foregoing question kept coming back into my mind. After about a month of this distracting influence, I decided to switch projects and seriously attempt to answer the question via the use of my meditative process. Once again my wife meditated with me for an hour each morning. Within about 10 minutes a state of comfortable coherence usually developed between us and the room. Then I would mentally hold “this question” in my mind, like a supplicant seeking and expecting some type of revelatory enlightenment regarding the question. After we came out of meditation, Jean and I would discuss our internal experiences and any insights received. Then I would go upstairs to my home-office and work all day on the kernels or fragments of insight received that day to see if they violated any important experimental data present in the world literature of physics. During this process, new questions arose in my mind and these became “the questions” for our next day’s meditation session. This became a daily procedure which was iterated for six months, at which time, I had finally arrived at a starting model of a structural and multidimensional nature for our universe that would allow both my orthodox science considerations and my unorthodox considerations to naturally co-exist.
⦁ Ostrander, S., & Schroeder, L. (1970). Psychic discoveries behind the Iron Curtain. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
What is the significance of Inner Self-Management?
It is important for us to recognize that “we are the product of the process and we are built by the process!” By directed intention, we engage in activities outside of ourselves and, by the quality of our actions there, we have the possibility of building a more conscious biobodysuit. This we do via diligent practice of inner self-management techniques.
We are all familiar with such practices at the outer, spacetime, level of our biobodysuits where we go to a gym to develop a buff and strong set of physical muscles. Now, it is time to do this with our inner self via the important practices of meditation, yoga, Qigong and heart-focus techniques. This is how we develop mastery of self, manifest what are presently called “superphysical” abilities and earn co-creatorship with our spiritual parents.
I have written extensively about this in book “Psychoenergetic Science: A Second Copernican-Scale Revolution” Chapter 7, pages 147-149, and in “Some Science Adventures with Real Magic” Chapter 1, pages 7-10, so here I will be brief. I will start with my whole person metaphor. Think of a sphere consisting of three zones, outermost, mid and central. The outermost zone, consisting of two layers of uniquely different types of substance, (1) electric charge-based, positive energy and mass substance traveling at v<c and (2) magnetic charge-based, negative energy and mass substance traveling at v>c. This I label the Personality Self, the biobodysuit that we put on when we are born into the distance-time classroom and that we shuck off when we appear to die and depart from this classroom. The mid-zone, consists of three layers of uniquely different kinds of substance, (3) the emotion domain layer where the substance travels even faster than in layer 2, (4) the mind domain layer where the substance travels even faster and (5) the indwelling spirit domain layer where that type of substance travels still faster. I label this as the soul self, which is the truly evolving self in this entire construct. It perceives through the personality self into this distance-time classroom, much as a deep sea diver works through his/her diving bell into the strange, surrounding environment. The central zone consists of our high spirit-self, our source-self or our god-self, whichever label one prefers to use. All of the particles and waves associated with these various substances exist and function in the same general space and these can be divided into two categories, (1) those that function in the “simulator” to create a relative reality and (2) those that function in the fully spiritual domain to create an absolute reality. For me, my working hypothesis is that consciousness is a byproduct of spirit entering dense matter and that spirit can only attach or bond to information that has been built into the various layers of the whole person by dint of our efforts put forth in this simulator classroom. I see this as one of the major reasons for our life experience in this particular classroom. A second major reason is that infrastructure built into the various layers of our whole self is positive information storage in our planetary system which produces negative entropy creation. This cancels some of the positive entropy (disorder) produced by various natural processes and thus restores thermodynamic free energy (potential) to our planet and solar system. One of the goals of our whole person appears to be to develop a state of coherence at the two interfaces between the three selves. The seminal book by T. Norretrander, “The User’s illusion” Cutting Consciousness Down to Size” teaches us that, in the personality self, the information handling capacity of the human unconscious (the inner layer) is about a million times that of the conscious brain (the outer layers at less than 50 bits per second) which interfaces via our five physical senses with the physical reality aspect of our playpen classroom. Thus, we are only weakly conscious at this outer layer level of our personality level. It appears that the inner level does most of the work of accessing information from nature and, after fully processing and digesting that information, fashions small kernels of information to feed to the conscious brain so that it will be able to perceive and experience events occurring in the distance-time aspect of this playpen, however, it appears that the topic contents of these kernels of information are only those to which the conscious brain has heretofore given “meaning”. Information not seen as meaningful to the conscious brain appears to be ignored, rejected or dumped. It thus appears that for the human conscious brain to become more conscious of this playpen (simulator) it needs to give things more meaning in its life so that the unconscious layer of the personality self can feed it more information about the multiple aspects of nature, both inner and outer, of the classroom environment wherein it is playing. In our day-to-day world, all of us go to school to learn knowledge, to learn to play, to develop relationships, to develop skills, to develop our psyches and egos, to learn to cooperate with each other, etc. Via this process, we build abundant information and infrastructure into ourselves and our growing egos are largely focused on our individual personality self. In this regard, we are largely unaware of the collateral damage that our thoughts, attitudes and actions do to others. We tend to think that our goals in this life justify any means that we choose to use to attain those goals. This is a great error on our part. Rather, the means we use to attain our goals, even very worthy ones, participate in co-creating the future that we, our children and our grandchildren must live in as a consequence of the collateral damage we have created. One of the greatest hindrances to our ultimate development in consciousness becomes our personal ego, important as it is to us and to the world. Eventually, one must learn to develop the ego and put it in service to the large whole of humanity. Then the unseen intelligence of the cosmos can work effectively thru you into this world. Then, you will really begin to grow in consciousness!
Most dictionaries of this distance-time world provide an overly simplistic definition of the word consciousness as the quality or state of being aware or being awake.
In Aurobindo’s “The Adventure of Consciousness”, he stated that “a change of consciousness is a major fact of the next evolutionary transformation, and the consciousness itself, by its’ own mutation will impose and affect any necessary mutation of the body.” These words suggest that we are dealing with a process of nature, a dynamic developmental process, perhaps even one driven from a genetic level that creates structural changes in the various subsystems of our “total self”. These manifested changes in human appearance and human behaviors we label as developmental changes in human consciousness.
From a somewhat different perspective, in the early 1960’s, the Greens seriously investigated voluntary controls of internal human states, both psychological and physiological, and strongly promoted “the psychophysiological principle:
“Every change in the human physiological state, conscious or unconscious, is accompanied by an appropriate change in their mental-emotional state and, conversely, every change in the human mental-emotional state, conscious or unconscious, is accompanied by an appropriate change in their physiological state.”
Subsequent research by themselves and many others showed that the instrumental monitoring and visual display, continuous in time, of a particular human physiological parameter (for which we have some unique measurement instrument) can allow an attentive human to voluntarily and intentionally modify the magnitude of this parameter, thereby altering one’s own physiological activity, one’s own behavior and the process of one’s own consciousness! This work has led to the significant use of biofeedback as an important medical therapeutic in today’s world.
From the foregoing research, we learn about the existence of both (1) conscious and unconscious states in humans. We also learn about (2) the focused application of their own intention can alter the magnitude of these states and thus the materialized level of consciousness of such humans.
The Danish author, Torr Norretrander reminds us that the human conscious mind can only process less than 50 bits of information per second while the human unconscious mind can process more than 50 million bits of information per second. Thus, it is the latter that actually gathers the multiple data streams of information flowing through a human at any point in time. It appears that our unconscious system gathers such information, organizes such information and refines such information. It then appears to create small kernels of prepared relevant information to send to the conscious mind. However, it appears to do so only if the conscious mind has previously given meaning to that topic. If the conscious mind has not given serious meaning to that topic, such information kernels appear to be “dumped” by the human unconscious mind.
From the previous paragraph, this suggests that giving meaning to specific information is a very important aspect of/to materialized change in human consciousness.
Further, this author would propose that it is not just an intellectual awareness of such specific information that is needed to generate a materialized change in human consciousness but, it is the incorporation of a critical dose of such information into an appropriate structural level of the self so as to constitute ”a new information creation, DI*, in the “self”; then, from the ground-breaking discoveries of Shannon and later, Brillouin, a quantitative equivalent change in negative entropy, -DS, is created in our world. This, in turn, increases the coherence of our world.
Thus, new psychological changes in our world create new physics in our world!
As a beginning, in 1860, Gustav Fechner wrote a book entitled “Elements of Psychophysics” wherein he wrote “Not only does the world influence the mind but the mind influences the world”. By 1910, Johannes Schultz, via combining various ideas from (1) his medical research, (2) hypnosis and (3) concepts from yogic methods, developed an inner self-management procedure that he labeled “autogenic training” a self-generated or self-motivated training for attaining a variety of stable emotional/mental states.
By the 1960s, Elmer and Alyce Green had deeply studied voluntary control of internal human states, both psychological and physiological and strongly promoted “the psychophysiological principle” wherein
“Every change in the human physiological state is accompanied by an appropriate change in the mental-emotional state, conscious or unconscious, and conversely, every change in the human mental-emotional state, conscious or unconscious, is accompanied by an appropriate change in the physiological state.”
Their work, and that of others, led to the use of biofeedback as an important medical therapeutic procedure! It is useful to provide a couple of biofeedback examples to illustrate unconscious responses of humans to unique life stimuli.
1 - One of the most striking unconscious biofeedback experiments was that carried out in the mid-1930s by Slater involving the use of his “upside-down” glasses. Subjects were asked to continually wear these glasses that distorted perception so that the wearer saw everything in an upside-down configuration. It was very destabilizing for these subjects but they continued to do so and, after about 2 to 3 weeks there was a “flip” and, with the glasses on, they suddenly saw everything “right-side up” and therefore continued to do so. Then, when the subjects removed these glasses, the world suddenly appeared up-side down again for about 2 or 3 weeks before normal vision was suddenly restored.
From this, one might presume that the apparent disparity between the conventional world view that people walk erect and that the special glasses’ inverted view caused a force to appear on the brain’s neural dendrites to first construct some type of hard-wired internal inversion mirror so one’s expectations are fulfilled and then later dissolved this new and unique brain structure element when it was no longer needed.
At the very least, it indicates a level of malleability of our brains relative to our expectations!
2 – Stewart Wolf, M.D., did a double-blind experiment, reported on in the 1990s, with a group of pregnant women suffering from nausea and vomiting. He did it in two steps. First, he gave an anti-emetic to on portion of the group and a placebo to the other. He was surprised to find how many of the women in the placebo subgroup had a cessation of nausea and vomiting.
In the second step, he took the placebo subgroup and gave them what he said was a new and strong anti-emetic. He then observed that all of the women overcame their nausea and vomiting. What he didn’t tell them was that he actually gave them ipecac, a very strong emetic that is regularly used to induce vomiting!
This is a remarkable psycho physiological result wherein the strength of the women’s personal intention field created a thermodynamic force that significantly exceeded the opposite sign force, the strong chemical force well known to be present from ipecac! Here, we see that the strength of a human’s belief system and their personal power to intend can overcome the chemical forces of today’s medical world!
A Seven Level Model of Personal Consciousness:
In Barrett’s model every human on the planet evolves and grows in consciousness in seven well-defined stages wherein each stage focuses on a particular existential need that is common to the human condition. These seven existential needs are the principal motivating forces in all human affairs. The level of growth and development of an individual depends on their ability to satisfy these seven needs.
The seven stages in the development and growth of personal consciousness are summarized in Table I and described in detail in the subsequent paragraphs. Table I should be read starting from the bottom and working up.
Table I, Focus and Motivations
The first three levels of consciousness focus on our personal self-interest in satisfying (a) our physiological need for security and safety, (b) our emotional need for love and belonging, (c) our need to feel good about ourselves through the development of a sense of pride in who we are and (d) a positive sense of self-esteem. Abraham Maslow referred to these as “deficiency” needs with no sense of lasting satisfaction to being able to meet these needs; however, we feel a sense of anxiety if these needs are not met. When these needs are paramount in our lives, we are conditioned by the expectations of those around us; by our social environment (the family and the culture we are brought up in). We are loyal to the groups with which we identify.
The focus of the fourth level of consciousness is on transformation – learning how to manage, master or release the subconscious, fear-based beliefs that keep us anchored in the lower levels of consciousness. During this state of our development, we establish a sense of our personal authority, and our own voice. We are able to let go of our need to identify with our social environment because we have learned how to manage our deficiency needs. We now choose to live by the values and beliefs that resonate deeply with who we are. We begin the process of self-actualization by focusing on our individuation!
The upper three levels of consciousness focus on the need to find meaning and purpose in our existence, actualizing the meaning by making a difference in the world, and leading a life of selfless service. Abraham Maslow referred to these as “growth” needs. When these needs are fulfilled, they do not go away. They engender deeper levels of motivation and commitment. During this stage of our development, we increasingly develop an ability to stand back and reflect on the strengths and limitations of our own ideology. We learn how to become our own self-witness, and develop an inner compass that intuitively guides us into life-affirming decisions.
Individuals that focus on the satisfaction of the lower needs tend to live self-centered, shallow lives. They are significantly influenced by the anxieties and fears they hold about satisfying their deficiency needs.
The most successful individuals are those who balanced both their “deficiency” needs and their “growth” needs. They operate from full spectrum consciousness; they are trusting of others, are able to manage complexity and can respond to and rapidly adapt to all situations. Table II defines the full spectrum of positive attributes manifested via the seven levels of personal consciousness.
Table II, Full Spectrum Consciousness
• They master survival consciousness by developing the practical skills required to ensure their physical security and safety
• They master relationship consciousness by developing interpersonal relationship skills required to engender a sense of belonging and being loved
• They master self-esteem consciousness by developing a sense of self-worth and a personal sense of pride in who they are and how they perform
• They master transformation consciousness by learning how to manage, master or release the subconscious and conscious, fear-based beliefs that keep them anxious about satisfying their deficiency needs
• They master internal cohesion consciousness when they uncover their sense of purpose or personal transcendent meaning for existence
• They master making a difference consciousness by actualizing their sense of meaning by collaborating with others to create a positive contribution in the world
• They master service consciousness when making a difference becomes a way of life and they embrace the concept of selfless service.
The successful mastery of each level of consciousness or stage of development, involves two steps: (1) first, becoming aware of the emergent need and (2) next developing the skills that are necessary to satisfy the need.
When we first become aware of a need, we are generally unskilled at satisfying it – we are consciously incompetent. We know we don’t know how to successfully manage the need. As we gain an understanding on how to manage the need, and develop the skills that are necessary to satisfy it, we become consciously competent. We know how to manage the need but we have to concentrate on what we need to do to satisfy it. Eventually, when we have developed the understanding and skills that are necessary to satisfy the need, we become unconsciously competent. It becomes second nature to us, like driving a car.
Learning how to manage our needs is a life-long process. Even when we have learned how to become the author of our own lives – to become a self-actualized individual – we will find situations arising where we discover that we still have limiting beliefs that keep us anchored in the lower levels of consciousness – situations that frustrate us or cause us to feel anxious and bring up our fears. It is vitally important, therefore, to develop a deep understanding of yourself and to learn the skills and techniques that allow you to manage your own transformation if you wish to find personal fulfillment in life.
First, it is on a scale of 1 to 1000,
Second, he says it is a logarithm scale, but that is somewhat doubtful,
Third, the tool to measure it is kinesiology, the two-person wrist-pressing technique, or the one-person, Omura o-ring technique.
Fourth, key numbers are:
Below 200 are anti-life and above 200 are pro-life,
Above 500 are unconditional love,
600 and above are peace and enlightenment
1000 are “Christed” souls
14 people at 700 and above are equivalent to 1 person at 1000.
We did an IHD broadcasting study beginning in February, 2014 with 44 autistic children and 58 parents of such children. We knew their names and addresses. In February, 2014 the children average number was 332 using the Omura o-ring technique with 4% above 500. The average of the 58 parents was 378 with 5% above 500.
A year later on February, 2015, the average of the children was 462 with 27% above 500; the average for the parents was 466 with 33% above 500.
David Hawkins said that the world average, without knowing names and address was 201 on February 14, 2014 and that they could grow by about 5 points in a lifetime. Our experimental data with continuous broadcasting to their homes for a year was about 20 times Dr. Hawkins’ lifetime number.
This shows the importance of IHD continuous broadcasting to a person’s home for a year – or for many years. It wasn’t that David Hawkins’ scale of consciousness was basically wrong or that a person’s consciousness could only grow by 5 points in a lifetime if there was no effective IHD continuous broadcast, this shows how important this continuous IHD broadcast was and this was something that you could do for yourselves if you tried.
Yes, if our success with the global broadcasting experiment with autistic children and their parents is any example, we might be able to do this following:
Broadcast an IHD to a city to (1) reduce the percentage of crime occupying the police in the city, (2) broadcast a specific IHD to increase the rate of graduation of prisoners from jails and penitentiaries, (3) broadcast an IHD into a city to significantly reduce the percentage of humans going to the emergency room at hospitals per year (4) broadcast an IHD to schools in a city to increase the desire to students to learn!
As well as the academic work, we planned to pull together the spiritual side of our life. This included learning more about Edgar Cayce and his two books “Search for God: Book I” and “Search for God: Book II”, and learning to become daily meditators and dream study. We hosted a weekly search for God study group for friends in our home in Menlo Park, California.
This personal study provided a solid foundation for meaningful interaction with students, professors, scientists and all humans; even what we might call the invisible “circle of 12” as unseen colleagues who helped us to understand many things about human nature and human development.
In 1966, our then Stanford Department Chair became very ill and I was asked to take over as department chair as well as teach my normal classes.
I took my first sabbatical to Oxford England in 1970/1971 and picked up the book “Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain”, to read on the plane.
I knew a great deal about this work from my past decade of private interest study and had the recurring thought “how might the universe be constructed to allow this crazy-seeming kind of stuff to naturally co-exist with the conventional science I was doing every day at Stanford with my Ph.D. students?”
This thought haunted me in England and eventually I decided to find a serious answer by meditating on it each day with my wife Jean!
She agreed and each day we meditated for an hour and held the question as a “brick” in our hands. We received a little light but not much light and talked about it after the meditation.
Then I would go upstairs to my study and probe to see if any experimental data was being violated. There was none but some new questions arose.
The next day, we carried the new and old questions into our meditation.
We did this for 36 consecutive days before we had a possible answer which lay in the realm of “theosophy”.
The important point to me was that this area of research for humanity was more important than my day-to-day research that I was doing with my students at Stanford each day.
I came to feel that some qualified scientist must dedicate his or her life’s work to this area of study!
I eventually came to feel that it had to be me!
In order to do this, I needed free time in my life. As department chair plus government and professional committees I did not have time to do this! So I gave up being department chair plus both government and professional committees and divided this extra time into (1) continue experiential development of self by continuing daily meditation, (2) keep asking the question “how might the universe be constructed to allow this crazy-seeming kind of stuff to naturally co-exist with the orthodox science?”, (3) do experiments outside the university to keep the theory honest and (4) continue to teach and keep my full professor position inside the university to feed my family.
I keep good records, write papers and books in psychoenergetic science to lay a path for others to follow for the past 45 years.
The experimental work of the past ten years has indicated that there are two unique levels of physical reality and not just one, our normal electric atom/molecule level. The two different levels of substance interpenetrate each other but are normally totally uncoupled from each other. The primary substance of this second level is normally invisible to our traditional measuring instruments. One reason for this is that it appears to function in what we call the physical vacuum. A second reason is size-scale; a typical atom of traditional science would appear to be of small planet size compared to the size of the basic magnetic charge stuff of the vacuum. The third reason is that this magnetic charge stuff appears to travel at speeds greater than the velocity of electromagnetic light.
When these two types of substance become strongly coupled via human consciousness from a unique device that we created, our traditional measuring instruments are “conditioned” to expand their normal sensitivity range to access the new physics operating in the coarse vacuum level of physical reality. We have also found that specific human intentions can meaningfully influence the magnitude of this vacuum level physics effect but not that of the electric atom/molecule level. Thus, for the coupled state, a particular property of a material is given by the sum of two contributions, one from each level, with the vacuum level being altered by the specific intention imbedded in the consciousness-enhanced device.
The theoretical construct, I invented it to understand the seemingly strange behavior of inorganic, organic and living materials present in the coupled state of physical reality, when human consciousness is utilized as a significant experimental variable, consists of two, reciprocal subspaces, one of which is space-time (D-space) while the other is a wave domain (R-space) with some level of a higher dimensional coupler substance activated. D-space is the home of positive mass and energy, electrically charged particles traveling at velocities slower than c while R-space is the home of negative mass and energy, magnetically charged information waves traveling at velocities greater than light.
When experimental data indicates that two uniquely different categories of substance exist in the same physical space but that they can be isolated from each other or indirectly coupled to each other, it is time to change our paradigm for viewing Nature from that appropriate for viewing a single category of substance to one suitable for viewing the behavior of these two very different categories of substance. The new (but arbitrary) reference frame that I have chosen for giving a useful description of physical reality is a duplex-reference-frame consisting of two reciprocal 4-dimensional sub-spaces (spacetime or D-space and reciprocal space or R-space). One of these sub-spaces is our conventional space-time. This duplex-reference-frame is in-turn embedded in a still higher (>7) dimensional reference frame from which the “coupler”, mentioned in the previous section, is activated via the application of human consciousness.
Reciprocal space is a frequency domain so that, when a specific spacetime event is deltron-manifested in reciprocal space, the pattern is now everywhere and everywhen so the information is now available to any spacetime location. This is how certain individuals can heal other humans across the earth via a simple telephone linkage.
Electric, magnetic dipole, atomic, molecular substance directly interacts with, and communicates with, its own kind via a space-time subspace. Conversely, its conjugate, magnetic information wave substance directly interacts with, and communicates with, its own kind via a reciprocal subspace that has frequency domain coordinates. These two very different kinds of substance cannot directly interact with each other because both have mass and, while the positive mass portion is constrained by relativity theory to move at velocities less than light, the negative mass portion is constrained in space time by Qm plus relativity theory to move at velocities greater than light. In the uncoupled state of physical reality, each of these two, unique domains of substance exhibits a U(1) electromagnetic gauge symmetry state, (Ue(1) and Um(1)). For one of these domains of substance to interact and communicate with the other, even indirectly, requires the presence of a coupler medium which I have heretofore named deltron, which can be activated from the domain of emotion and lies beyond relativity theory constraints.
Deltrons act as a coupling agent between the electric substance and the ‘magnetic information wave’ substance. This produces both electromagnetic and magnetoelectric types of mediator fields exhibiting a special type of “mirror” principle relationship between them.
My day-to-day working hypothesis is that we humans are all spirits having a physical experience as we ride the “river of life” together. Our spiritual parents dressed us in our biobodysuits and put us in this playpen, which we call a universe, in order to grow in coherence, in order to develop our gifts of intentionality and in order to ultimately become what we were intended to become - effective co-creators with our spiritual parents!
Now these biobodysuits come in a wide variety of colors and two unique morphologies, that we choose to call genders. And each biobodysuit is made from four main layers of different kinds of “stuff”. The outermost layer is the conventional electric atom/molecule layer while the first inner layer is made from the coarsest stuff of the physical vacuum which appears to be like a plasma of single magnetic charges, undetectable by today’s scientific equipment. Together, these two layers constitute what we call physical reality - that which we put on when we are “born” into the earth plane and that which we take off when we appear to die in the earth plane.
The second inner layer of this biobodysuit is the emotion domain substance layer while the third inner layer is the mind domain substance layer - and inside that is a portion of our spirit self that drives the vehicle. So think of this multilayered suit as a kind of “diving bell” or apparatus that our spirit self uses to sense and experience this peculiar earth environment.
What are known as the four fundamental forces of present-day science all function in the outermost layer of this biobodysuit. What are presently called “subtle energies” all function in the three inner layers plus spirit which constitute different levels of the physical vacuum. As we build more and more infrastructure into these inner three layers via our thoughts, attitudes and actions expressed during earth life, the more can our high spirit self enter and attach to these infrastructure elements and, as a byproduct of spirit entering these denser forms of substance, the more conscious do we become and the more are we able to enjoy this great adventure we call life.
If only a little infrastructure exists in this biobodysuit, then not much indwelling-spirit is present and the individual consciousness will be low. The individual will not be very cognitively aware of details in either the outer world or their inner self. However, by diligent application of personal effort, one can increase the structural refinement in their biobodysuit so that it exhibits a greatly increased capability.
It is important for us to recognize that “we are the product of the process and we are built by the process!” By directed intention, we engage in activities outside of ourselves and, by the quality of our actions there, we have the possibility of building a more conscious biobodysuit. This we do via diligent practice of inner self-management techniques.
We are all familiar with such practices at the outer, spacetime, level of our biobodysuits where we go to a gym to develop a buff and strong set of physical muscles. Now, it is time to do this with our inner self via the important practices of meditation, yoga, Qigong and heart-focus techniques. This is how we develop mastery of self, manifest what are presently called “superphysical” abilities and earn co-creatorship with our spiritual parents.
In quantum information science, groups of two or more quantum objects can have energetic states that are entangled. These states can have properties unlike anything in classical physics. In classical information science, a familiar example is a string of bits, encoded via real physical objects, like the spin of an atomic nucleus or the polarization of a photon of light, but abstractly by zeros (down-state) or ones (up-state). A qubit, the quantum version of a bit, has many more possible states than just these two. The quantum version reveals that each of these two states is split into a multiplicity of states so that the final outcome can be weighted in many, many different ways.(1)
Entanglement, as explained by Aczel(2) is an application of the superposition principle to a system comprised of two or more subsystems. In his case, he lets each of the subsystems be a single particle and asks “What does it mean to say that the two particles are entangled?” He postulates that Particle 1 has equal probability of being in states A or C, which represent different physical locations. Particle 2, on the other hand, has equal probability of being in states B or D which have two additional, different locations. When the overall system of these two particles has fully reacted with each other and is in the product state, AB, Particle 1 is known to be in State A while Particle 2 is known to be in State B. Similarly, the other possible product state CD has Particles 1 and 2 in States C and D, respectively. The implicit assumption, here, is that non-local states are connected somehow.
Since the mathematical aspects of the superposition principle also allows the system to be in a combination of product states, the state AB + CD is also an allowed state and thus, for the entire system, this is called an entangled state. This entangled state says that there are now Particle 1 and 2 possibilities that are strongly correlated. Thus, if an experimental measurement finds Particle 1 in State A, then Particle 2 “must” be in State B and cannot be in State C or D. This means that, when Particles 1 and 2 are entangled, there is no way to characterize either one of them by itself, as if it were isolated from the other. In the superposition state the two are strongly linked and do not have independence of action!
Erwin Schröedinger, Nobel Prize Winner in the 1930’s for his mathematical formulation of the probability wave function equation for quantum mechanics, was the very first to predict the existence of quantum entanglement for fundamental particles and photons. Einstein labeled this “spooky action at a distance”.
In 2003, Ghosh(3) and his collaborators at the University of Chicago analyzed ten year old experimental data on some very low temperature (~1o Kelvin) magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity of a small magnetic salt crystal containing holmium atoms and compared them to quantum theory. Above ~1oK, classical mechanics theory gave a good match to the experimental data. However, quantum mechanical entanglement contributions had to be added in order to give a good match with his experimental data below 1oK.
This is typical of many, many experiments carried out to distinguish classical vs. quantum type of behavior as a function of system temperature and system size. It has been generally found that (1) as the temperature increases from very low values, a few degrees, and (2) the system size increases from ~two photons or fundamental particles to a very small crystal, the boundary between quantum-like behavior and classical-like behavior becomes very fuzzy. Well-developed classical-like behavior sets in far below room temperature and system sizes well below 1 cubic centimeter.
The effect validated by Ghosh et al(3) was first predicted by Vedral(4) two years earlier. If the theoretical idea of Reznik(5) is true, that all of empty space (the physical vacuum) is filled with entangled particles, then quantum-like behavior might be retained up to almost room temperature. Continuing along this line of thought, Brukner, Vedral and others(6) showed theoretically that time can become entangled too. This latter information puts space and time on an equal footing in quantum mechanics which is an absolute “no-no” for our “present-day” formulation of quantum mechanics.
M. A. Nielsen, “Rules for a complex quantum world?, Scientific American, 287 (5) (2002) 67.).
D. Aczel, Entanglement (A Plume Book, Penguin Group, London, 2003).
S. Ghosh, Nature 425 (2003) 48.
M. C. Arnesen, S. Bose and V. Vedral, “Thermal Entanglement in 1D Heisenberg Model”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 017901 (2001).
B. Reznik, “Entanglement from the Vacuum”, Foundations of Physics, 33 (1) 167-176, January 2003.
W. A. Tiller, White Paper III, Why CAM and Orthodox Medicine Have Some Very Different Science Foundations, www.tillerfoundation.org
Part One: Dr. Tiller talks with Merryn Jose about his meetings with Muktananda as well as Jane Roberts and how he was fortunate enough to be able to converse with Seth. He discusses the importance of meditation and how it helped his scientific work. He explains his interest in the work of Edgar Cayce. Also his first hand experiences of observing telekinesis with the Russian Olga Kalugina, and much more. To download and listen to
Part One, Click here
Part Two: Merryn Jose interviews Dr. Tiller about psychoenergetics, his intention experiment, his research, and why it is so important for us. For the lay person, this unique interview really challenges the Left Brain Hemisphere! To download and listen to
Part Two, Click here
Merryn Jose is a professional spiritual intuitive, writer and teacher who lives in Westchester, New York. She comes from a long lineage of practicing Celtic psychics. Her web site is a regularly updated resource of holistic information concerning the development of the intuitive faculties, featuring podcast interviews with cutting edge minds on MerlianPodcasts.com. Merryn is also the Editor-in-Chief and publisher of the online magazine, Merlian News.